Homem, 60 anos
60 anos de idade, Homem

Laid back easy going middle aged white boy in downtown LA. Up for almost anything except men. Special interests Include participating and/or watching 2 or more bi or lesbian women get freaky and I live for and love eating pussy. I will pack a lunch and go
south for hours at a time! Biggest regret up to now is being just this close within an inch, a lousy friggin inch of sucking my own cock! Being sooo damn close made it more torturous. I would never leave home if I could accomplish that feat. Maybe I will have a rib removed like Marilyn Manson...LOL. My name is Scott and I'm an Irish/German guy, separated a few yrs ago and will divorce one day i simply found married life very dull. Nice to meet all of you worldwide as well as local. If in LA and female/s drop me an email at: Peace out.